A SENIOR district councillor has backed a bid to resurface the parking area in the heart of Topcliffe village.

The land, which includes the spaces outside the Post Office, is leased by Hambleton District Council to allow the imposition of a weight restriction to stop lorries parking there.

However, the parish council is still responsible for the upkeep of the area and that means the village authority needs to find £8,500 to cover the cost of restoration.

An application for assistance from the district council has won the support of the deputy leader, Councillor Arthur Barker.

He said: "These repairs are a one-off request. We should help, especially as it is an area used by the general public."

However, a suggested grant of £2,000 over the next two years could still hinge on whether or not North Yorkshire County Council is willing to contribute.

The authority has yet to indicate if it supports the request.

Coun Barker said: "If we match-fund the county council, the work can be completed much more quickly."