A POT-HOLER is expected to make a full recovery despite having to have half a lung removed following an accident in the Yorkshire Dales.

The 37-year-old plunged 30 metres during an underground expedition at Diccan Pot, in Horton-in-Ribblesdale, after becoming separated from a friend on Monday afternoon.

As well as severe chest injuries, the 37-year-old suffered spinal fractures and lost a lot of blood while waiting for help to arrive.

However, after being alerted by his friend, the cave rescue team from Clapham was able to reach him quickly.

A Sea King helicopter was called from RAF Kinloss, which airlifted him to Leeds General Infirmary for emergency treatment.

A North Yorkshire Police spokesman said the injured man was an experienced caver who is believed to live in the Staffordshire area.

The cave rescue team also praised the police and the RAF for their assistance in the operation, which had helped ensure the pot-holer was located, rescued and on his way to hospital as quickly as possible.

"The fact his is expected to make a full recovery is the news today," said a police spokesman yesterday.