THE North-East's only school for dyslexic children is celebrating its 25th anniversary and inviting former pupils to attend a silver jubilee party.

Nunnykirk Centre for Dyslexia, in Netherwitton near Morpeth, was established in 1977 to help children across the region suffering from the condition.

To celebrate its birthday, staff at the centre are keen to reunite pupils at a barbecue and disco party on Friday, June 21 at 5pm.

Headteacher Simon Dalby-Ball said: "This is a big celebration for our school. We're very proud to have been a part of helping children suffering from dyslexia for such a long time and as part of that we would really like to see as many familiar faces as possible."

Tickets are £12 for adults and £5 for children. For more information telephone (01670) 772685.