AN event aimed at improving the Tees Valley's support network for ethnic minorities has been held in Middlesbrough.

It was organised by Business Link with Middlesbrough Council, Stockton Borough Council, the Stockton International Family Centre and the Abu Bakr Business Centre.

Guest speakers highlighted the key issues support agencies need to take into account when dealing with ethnic minority businesses.

Lola Ibhadon, from BECON, a black minority ethnic network in the North-East, said: "It is hoped that the ideas shared will be used in a constructive way to inform the much needed targeted support for business development among black ethnic minority groups."

Business Link is taking the lead in improving the Tees Valley support networks' understanding of cultural differences to ensure that support can be delivered more effectively to minority ethnic businesses.

Debbie Lee, of Business Link, said: "We hope to further develop our links with the minority ethnic support network and, in turn, begin to build a relationship of trust within the minority ethnic business community."

A follow-up event is planned for The International Family Centre in Middlesbrough on Tuesday.

For details call Ms Lee on (01642) 341419.