TRANSFORMING a bleak field into an attractive safe haven for youngsters has proved to be child's play.

And it is also a dream come true for schoolgirl Amy Scott who put pen to paper, setting out her wish list for the recreation ground next to Redcar fire station.

She sent her letter to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, which forwarded it to the Dormanstown Community Forum, which won more than £50,000 in Single Regeneration Budget grants for the project.

Twelve-year-old Amy's wish list has taken shape with a skateboard park and play equipment, including a climbing frame, swings and roundabouts, all of them fenced in.

She was given VIP treatment on Monday, when she cut a ribbon to open the play area off the town's Trunk Road and a programme of jubilee activities.

Stuart Haines, one of the forum's playground project team, said: "It is marvellous. I've been down regularly since it was completed and we are averaging 100 youngsters a day going through."