A NEW guide is helping make life easier for the parents of children in the Chester-le-Street area.

Durham-based Clever Clogs Publishing has produced a booklet that gives information on facilities, activities and services in the district for youngsters.

The A5 guide features advice on every aspect of caring for children, including story sacks and dealing with sleep problems.

It was commissioned by Durham County Council and part-funded by its Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership.

The guide is available free from libraries, health visitors, the area's Sure Start programme, and children's groups.

Clever Clogs founder and editor Heather Alabaster said: "Our guides are highly regarded by parents, as well as health and social services professionals, since they cover important education and welfare issues, as well as ideas for amusing and entertaining young children.

"They are very popular because they are local and give information about where you can take children for things such as swimming sessions and toddler groups.''

Co-author Susie Macdonald said: "The booklet is a true community resource. We always go and talk to local groups and organisations to find out what information and advice they want us to include.''