BUSINESSES and organisations will be given the chance to speak to the public and potential employees face-to-face, thanks to The Northern Echo.

Job Fair 2002, which will be held tomorrow at the Blackwell Grange Hotel, Grange Road, Darlington, is expected to attract hundreds of people who are looking for work.

The exhibition, organised by The Northern Echo, will provide opportunities and information for people from all walks of life who are looking for a new job, a different career or simply looking for a change of direction.

There will be 26 stands representing a variety of organisations and businesses, including Orange, the RAF, Durham Police, Darlington Borough Council, and Mencap. Colleges and training organisations will be represented for those wishing to gain qualifications.

Companies will be invited to provide seminars throughout the day to offer more information about their businesses and the job opportunities available.

For the past eight years The Northern Echo has held job fairs around the region, and tomorrow's event promises to be the biggest event of its kind to date.

Organiser Linda Paramor, of The Northern Echo, said: "The job fairs have proved to be a great opportunity for businesses to meet people on a one-to-one basis. They are great for anyone thinking about a change of career, or anybody who is looking for a job but needs more qualifications.

"People can find out about the organisations, ask questions and find out if it is the right job for them. They have helped hundreds of people in the past find a new direction or open a door to the career they want."

The event will run between 11am and 6pm.