CONCERN over a number of issues has led this week to the formation of the Richmondshire Association of Council Tax Payers.

And the new organisation has said that it may field its own candidates at the next election.

In May more than 100 people packed the Bay Horse pub in Catterick Village when landlady Cath Thompson opened her doors for a debate on increases in local and national taxes.

Richmond MP William Hague and councillors from both the county and district councils attended - to find themselves being grilled on why tax demands have grown.

A number of other issues have now come to the fore including a two-day adventure training course for 11 executives from Richmondshire District Council in April.

The authority's leaders insist the exercise proved a valuable training tool and have steadfastly denied claims it was no more than a £7,000 'junket' for the management team.

Alan Gatenby, the chairman of the new organisation, said: "That course has not got the bins emptied any quicker or the roads swept any better."

And he confirmed the hunt is now on for people willing to stand as candidates at the local elections in May next year.

"Frankly, we are tired of councillors who, once elected to serve the people, promptly forget about them as soon as they get through the council doors," he said.

Mr Gatenby said another issue that has fuelled dissatisfaction among the Richmondshire population is the controversy over an alleged £40,000 payment to the Croft motor-racing circuit to cover the costs of its defence against a Noise Abatement Notice, which the district council abandoned on the advice of lawyers.

He claims Leyburn Town Council's decision to purchase Thornborough Hall from the district authority has also proved a bone of contention among some living in Wensleydale.