IT was obvious that when the new hospital at Bishop Auckland was built, it would lead to parking problems in the surrounding streets.

Durham County Council must have been the only one not to realise this as it did nothing to prevent it and has informed me that it has no plans to do so in the near future.

In reply to my letter, it says that the NHS has assured the council that there will be adequate parking facilities in the hospital.

Well, anyone with only half a brain would soon realise people would prefer to park free in the surrounding streets rather than pay hospital charges.

Why should the residents have their homes a no-go area during the day just because the council cannot pull their heads out of the sand and realise there is a big problem? - JS Rusby, Bishop Auckland.


WE at the National Canine Defence League (NCDL) are very concerned with the recent increase in the number of reports about dog bite incidents. It is extremely traumatic for the victims and, in some cases, could lead to the dog being destroyed as a result of its action.

Please, can we urge all dog owners to take a more responsible attitude. Always make sure that your dog is under control in public and if they have a tendency to bite (even if only play biting), to make sure that they wear a muzzle when outside the home.

Dogs may bite for a variety of reasons, especially if they are provoked. However, please remember that a dog can become more irritable in the hot weather and we urge dog owners to consider that, while we can take off our coats to cool down, our dogs can't. Therefore, we urge all dog owners to be extra cautious during the hot weather, so that these terrible incidents can be avoided. - Clarissa Baldwin, NCDL Chief Executive, London.


COLIN Shearsmith, chief executive of Durham City Council (HAS, July 5) defends his authority when clearly mistakes were made.

As a public figure, Mr Shearsmith should expect a level of criticism on this matter. Stop getting all touchy, broaden your shoulders and accept some blame. We're all human.

Could he answer a few questions regarding the theatre from a member of the hoi polloi?

Regarding the management team, would you also present a Ferrari to a man who can't drive?

Can you publicly state that no taxpayers' money will be used to subsidise this non-essential service? It should rise or fall on its own merit, end of argument.

Do you think £14m of Lottery and grant money could have been better spent in the region? Did the good folk of Durham clearly state that, above all things, they needed a theatre?

Why was the electoral role not used as a democratic way of distributing tickets for the 'free' opening ceremony?

Is it not time for an independent public scrutiny committee to be formed to oversee every penny spent on our behalf? Real democracy and accountability. - Jim Tague, Chairman, Conservative Party, Bishop Auckland.


I AM disgusted with the fact that Prince Charles and Mrs Parker-Bowles are doing royal engagements together when they are not married.

It is my very strong opinion that if Prince Charles really loves Camilla, as he says he does, then I think he should give up his birthright as future king and marry her.

I also think that this is not scandalous at all because I feel that if a person truly loves another person, regardless of what money you have or how high up in the world you are, then that person should consider his or her own feelings for that other person instead of titles or money, and get together as a couple.

The only reason why the marriage between King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson was a scandal was because he was made king before deciding to abdicate. And remember, putting a king or queen on the throne does cost a lot of money from the taxpayer. - Stephanie Nixon, Ferryhill.


IN recent days, many newspaper headlines have used expressions such as Tim's Agony or Tim's Torture.

On closer inspection, they refer to a multi-millionaire who has been knocked out of a tennis tournament.

In the last fortnight, he had played six games of tennis, thereby adding well over £100,000 to his fortune.

Such agony. Such torture. Could someone put my name down for it. - Martin Birtle, Billingham.


I JUST had to smile when I read the letter from Fred Bowman (HAS, July 6) and his criticism of Peter Mullen, who he calls a working-class Tory because he speaks his mind on what he believes.

He is entitled to pass his opinion whether right or wrong. But if Mr Bowman wants to see hundreds of working-class Tories, just look at your present Labour Government - ie top salary increases plus expenses and now three tax-free holidays a year and kicking old people out of homes because they say they cannot afford to keep them open. Mr Blair sends his family to private schools, yet closed grammar schools to ordinary families and gave them no alternative but to attend comprehensive schools which are being classed a big mistake in education in a lot of our towns and cities.

No. I believe Peter Mullen is doing an excellent job in letting people know just what is going on in our country, which was once respected throughout the world, and surely he is entitled to do that. It's a free country, or once was. - F Wealand, Darlington.