Sir, - May I be allowed to write about criticism of Thirsk gala.

What has been said in last week's paper is quite true, but the man who never made a mistake, is the one who never did anything! To just sit on The Flatts on Saturday and Sunday and see thousands of people enjoying themselves, must have brought great satisfaction to those who worked hard to bring it about.

As past joint chairman, with the late George Scaife, of the Flatts Trust during the Fifties and Sixties I only wish that so many of that early committee who have now passed on could have seen the pleasure experienced on facilities they worked for. That early committee set to work because three boys were drowned at Thirsk and Topcliffe during a similar hot spell - it was for somewhere to play and learn to swim for the people of Thirsk and Sowerby.

They succeeded buying the land for £1,500; they made a playground and they built a swimming bath for £40,000, the only one in the country built by public subscription and it was at first run entirely by volunteers.

Just as now a lot of mistakes were made at that time, but to see such happiness on this occasion was a joy to behold.





Sir, - I write in reply to the letter (D&S July 19) from Mr Purser commenting on the Thirsk Festival. I attended this event on the Sunday and all I can say is that Mr Purser was the only person to have seen this main battle tank. Something that is nearly 30 feet long about 15 feet high and weighing over 50 tons would be pretty hard to miss, but nobody saw it.

His remarks about the nuclear capability of the self-propelled gun which was there amaze me.

I am sure that all the children, both little and large who were allowed to access this SPG were happy to have seen it and Mr Purser should stop being a whining party-pooper.

Mr Gaunt and his team should be congratulated for a job well done.


6 The Maltings,


Jubilee joy

Sir, - Anybody who did not enjoy the jubilee must only blame themselves. There was such a lot to offer.

We had a wonderful weekend. On the Sunday we were able to enjoy a senior citizens' lunch. What a lot of work was put into that to make it a very memorable occasion for us all.

The remaining food was taken across the Millennium Green where it was quickly consumed. After the lunch a quick dash for us to Bedale for the Churches Together in the park with readings from various people and some delightful poems read by very small children. This was extremely well supported.

There were two excellent concerts on television which I am sure no one could fail to enjoy. Having set the video for the day on Tuesday, off we went to Croft for a service at the church which was followed by coffee - much more like a light lunch - which was much appreciated. I met up with an acquaintance from many years ago, Doreen Fletcher, from Croft chapel days.

Back home for a quick wash and brush up and off to Bedale again for a concert in the Chantry Hall. Back home in time to catch up on television and the fireworks finale.

However for the sheer anticipation, exuberance and excitement, the highlight for me was the street party in Woolmoor Close in Thirsk, mainly for the children.


Dowber Way,
