A TOWN could soon have a new clock despite objections from its own parish council.

Residents' group Guisborough Town Pride has applied to erect a new clock in Westgate Road and planning officers have recommended approval.

Guisborough Town Council has objected to the proposal, arguing that the clock will be too small.

The timepiece would be sited at the former Post Office, now a Halifax bank, where a previous clock was taken down years ago.

Shoppers are unable to see a nearby church clock from Westgate Road and it is hoped the timepiece would provide a useful service.

Meanwhile, a separate application to erect a sculpture on land south of Redcar High Street has been submitted.

The artwork, called Seven Red Plaice, would depict fish and be part of the town centre redevelopment by Teesmac Limited.

Planners have recommended approval despite objections that, at six metres high and two metres wide, the sculpture would be too obtrusive.

Newcomen and Coatham Ward Community Forums also argue that the feature would not depict the true history of Redcar and would not blend in with surroundings.

A council report said the feature, which would be painted dull maroon and be made of sheet metal, would not cause an obstruction.

It said: "New pieces of art can be controversial since individual opinions can be very different. The theme of the piece reflects the fishing activities associated with Redcar."

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's planning committee will discuss both applications tomorrow at Eston Town Hall at 10am.