CHIEFS at a North-East council have hit back at claims that a 3in deep paddling pool for toddlers is costing up to £8,000 a year to run.

John Watson, councillor on Teesdale Borough Council, told The Northern Echo last week that the pool, which has to be manned by two fully-trained lifeguards, cost between £6,000 and £8,000 a year to run. But last night Tony Seaman, council director of development services, said the pool, at Scar Top, Barnard Castle, County Durham, was costing just over £2,000 each year.

He said: "It could have cost us up to £7,000, but we agreed just to open it through the summer holidays and use lifeguards from the leisure centre, rather than employing people specifically.

"Now it is costing us £2,300 and it is worth it because it is proving really popular with families throughout the summer season.

"We need attendants there to make sure the toddlers don't hurt themselves, because if they did the council would be held responsible."

Last week, Coun Watson branded the measures "draconian", and expressed concern that the cost could force the pool to close.