EXTRA staff have arrived at North Yorkshire's most remote ambulance station to ensure 24-hour emergency cover across the northern dales.

Until now, the Wensleydale crews locked up the base at Bainbridge at the end of the day shift, responding to out-of-hours emergencies from home.

Manning levels at the station have now been doubled, with eight staff now ready to respond, enough to ensure the ambulance station will be fully manned, 24 hours a day.

Trevor Molton, chief executive of the Tees, East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Service, said: "It is always pleasing when we can clearly demonstrate we are striving to improve the level of care for our patients in rural areas and enhance the quality of life for our dedicated staff.

"The former stand-by arrangement impacted on both patient care and on the personal lives or our staff."

The improved service is largely thanks to a £120,000 investment from the Hambleton and Richmondshire Primary Care Trust (PCT).

Christopher Long, PCT chief executive, said: "I would like to congratulate the ambulance trust on delivering the key service three months ahead of schedule.

"This development has been a high priority for the PCT and represents a major improvement in emergency care to the people of Richmondshire."

Upper Dales county councillor John Blackie, the leader of Richmondshire District Council, also welcomed the news yesterday.

He said the knowledge that the area now enjoyed 24-hour ambulance cover would offer residents peace of mind.

Richmondshire ward councillor Yvonne Peacock said: "It is great to see something my father started as a voluntary service in Bainbridge more than 50 years ago develop over the decades and here we are today with a team of ambulance men and women dedicated to providing 24-hour emergency cover."

Bainbridge can expect further improvements in the near future, with plans being discussed for the establishment of North Yorkshire's first emergency centre in the village, designed to help different organisations work together

It is hoped the ambulance crews will move into the former Preston's Garage to share with the Swaledale Fell Rescue team, voluntary fire wardens and the Dales Watch and Farm Watch organisations.