A SENIOR councillor has defended a local authority's decision not to take another legal opinion on noise in the case of a motor-racing circuit which neighbours claim is damaging their health.

Richmondshire District Council decided last week to stand by its decision not to pursue a Noise Abatement Action against the owners of the track at Croft.

The authority had already begun preparing a case in 2000 when it was advised by a barrister it had little chance of winning and decided to drop the case as a result.

But people with homes nearby remained adamant the din from the circuit is ruining their lives - and expressed bitter disappointment last week when it was confirmed the council's environment committee had ruled out another legal opinion on the matter.

Council leader John Blackie acknowledged there was a noise problem around Croft which required further investigation.

He said: "There are two strands to the issue; one is to go down the route of a Noise Abatement Notice - which is something we have tried and, on legal advice, have set aside - while the other untested route is to examine whether the noise has had an impact on the health of people who live nearby. At present, we are investigating the possibility of pursuing the latter - and it is important to emphasise the vote last week has no bearing on those inquiries whatsoever.

"We are still considering our options very carefully, which I am sure most people would agree is prudent; if we didn't, we could end up in the same position in which we found ourselves in 2000."