A CONSTRUCTION company is expected to show massive growth for a record year which should see its turnover rise to £5m, an increase of 25 per cent.

Lloyds TSB Corporate customer Wyn Construction has also appointed Derek Ginsberg as commercial director.

The County Durham civil engineering company has seen a marked increase in new orders. Contracts include Kier Northern, at Durham, Newcastle universities and Clugston at Morrisons, Redcar, east Cleveland.

It has completed more than £4m worth of contracts at DSS Benton, Durham City Millennium project and the University Hospital of North Durham. It has also secured two contracts worth a total of £1m for South Middlesbrough City Academy and Stephenson Industrial Estate, Washington, Wearside.

Successful developments in the company, which employs 100 staff, have come at a time when the business has been working closely with Barry Schofield, of Lloyds TSB Corporate, developing the business through the bank's business strategy service.

Mr Schofield said: "Wyn has a growing reputation within the industry and is consequently attracting new and larger companies to place orders."