A PUB has been given permission to stay open late at weekends - despite a 250-signature petition from residents against the idea.

Middlesbrough Council's licensing committee gave the go ahead yesterday to The Rudds Arms, in Marton, to stay open until midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.

Residents told the committee they were plagued by rowdy youths leaving the pub at closing time and breaking windows or setting fire to wheelie bins.

Frank Andrews, Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator for the area, collected 250 signatures from residents objecting to the application.

He said: "We feel that this is a real problem and the last thing we want is any extension. People are very, very set against that."

Cleveland Police also objected, claiming extended opening hours would mean valuable police resources were taken away from the town centre.

But licensee Karen Walker told councillors the late licence was intended for regular customers, most of whom were aged 30 plus.

Members agreed to the extension, on the condition that CCTV was installed inside and outside the premises.

Mr Andrews said after the decision. "I just can't believe it, after all the comments which were made.

"It's totally against residents' wishes."