RURAL residents across Darlington borough and South Durham are being urged to help in the fight against poaching.

Police believe people, particularly those living in quieter or more remote areas, need to be more vigilant, not only concerning the security of their own property but also regarding the people roaming the countryside.

PC Julian Brown, one of Darlington police's rural officers, said the problem of people walking on land with their dogs illegally was a particular issue at this time of year.

As farmers are gathering crops such as hay and corn off their fields, creatures such as rabbits and hares are becoming more exposed, attracting poachers.

However, Inspector Dave Alloway, of Barnard Castle police, believes the more rural areas such as Teesdale have such problems all year round.

While many farmers in Teesdale now have documentation they can give people, allowing them to bring their dogs on the land as pest control, he says the bigger problem is that often the trespassers have something more sinister in mind.

Many are actually "casing" properties to steal goods such as quad bikes or trailers.

This is why both PC Brown and Insp Alloway have called for the public to get in touch if they see any unfamiliar vehicles parked or people walking on land with dogs, acting suspiciously.

Insp Alloway said: "Poachers are a nuisance, plus the fact there is a more serious side to it.

"We are always very interested in finding out who is out and about in the early hours of the morning."

And he urged: "For goodness sake, keep your property secure. Don't leave things lying about."

PC Brown said: "The public are our eyes and ears, and the information they provide can be vital."

Farmwatch schemes have been set up across the area, by which farmers exchange information about suspicious activity and crime among themselves and with police.

In some areas they have been known to go on night-time patrols with officers to try to catch criminals in the act and gather information.

Anybody who has information on such crimes can contact police in Darlington on (01325) 467681, Barnard Castle on (01833) 637328 or Bishop Auckland on (01388) 603566.