ROTARY DISPLAY: Crook Rotary Club is holding an exhibition in Crook library.

Public relations officer Ken Davison said: "The display gives information on Rotary and what we do locally and internationally.

"Last year, through our president, Father Tony Owens, we supported the Leprosy charity Start and supported work done Nagpur in India.

"Father Tony had heard of the work being done there through a connection with Leah Pattinson, who had been working out there. He also helped to organise the display of Rotary banners which are on view."

There are about 200 banners, which have been presented by foreign Rotarians visiting Crook or by Crook Rotarian visiting Rotary clubs abroad. The display runs until September.

STAYING OPEN: Signposts, the information advice centre in 67 Hope Street, is staying open despite rumours that it was to close.

Jane Middleton, manager of the centre, said: "We were threatened with closure at the end of July, but thanks to a grant from the County Durham Foundation we are very relieved and will be able to carry on our work, which is serving the people of Crook."

HOLIDAY CLUB: The Salvation Army in Queen Street, Crook, is introducing a Desert Detectives Holiday Club for five to 11-year-olds, which will run from next Monday, August 19, to Friday August 23, between 10am and noon. Admission is 75p each day.