AN elderly woman was badly burnt in a suspected gas blast which left her home severely damaged.

The 81-year-old victim, who lives alone, is believed to have been asleep when the explosion and fire ripped through the bungalow in Jarrow, South Tyneside, shortly before 4am yesterday.

The force of the blast lifted the roof and buckled the walls of the bungalow in Salem Street.

Neighbours led the woman to safety and firefighters administered oxygen until paramedics arrived and she was taken to South Tyneside Hospital.

She was later transferred to a specialist burns unit at Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary where she was undergoing treatment for extensive burns and scalds.

Members of her family were at her bedside last night.

A Northumbria Police spokesman said last night: "She's very poorly, but at this stage it is too early to say if the injuries are life threatening.

"The cause has been thoroughly investigated by the fire brigade and CID and we can confirm it's not suspicious.".

It is believed the blast may be linked to gas from a cooker. Transco is investigating.

Firefighters were able to disconnect utility supplies and put out small pockets of fire, before having to abandon the property when it was declared unsafe.

South Tyneside council workmen were called in to help make the property safe. but council engineers later indicated it may have to be demolished.

Neighbouring properties were evacuated due to concerns over structural safety.