THE University of Teesside has set up helplines for students receiving their A-level results onThursday.

The Middlesbrough university is expecting hundreds of calls from students who did not make the grade for their first or second choice courses, or are making late applications.

On Thursday and Friday, lines will be open until 8pm. On Saturday and Sunday they will be open from 10am until 4pm.

Next week, they will be open until 8pm on Monday and until 6pm from Tuesday to Friday.

Information on vacancies is also available on the university's website at

The numbers to call, all beginning (01642) are: general enquiries, 218121; business, leisure, public relations, marketing, 342807; computing, animation, games design, 342639; health and mental health nursing, 384110; English, history, media studies, media production, art and design, 384019; social sciences, psychology, sport, law, 342308; science, engineering, forensic investigation, 342499.