THE mysterious disappearance of a wealthy boat owner took a new twist at the weekend when it emerged that he had been due to appear in court on arson charges.

Nicholas Lightowler, 57, disappeared more than a week ago, after taking a £180,000 motor cruiser on its first trip along the River Ouse, in York, sparking extensive searches.

The Sealine F33 was found drifting near Nether Poppleton and it was suspected that it had struck a bridge, throwing Mr Lightowler overboard.

Now it has emerged that the Austrian-born businessman was due in court just days after he vanished.

A police spokesman said Mr Lightowler, of Crossgates, Leeds, was due to appear before magistrates last Monday, charged with arson with intent to endanger life.

It has also been revealed that six weeks before his disappearance, Mr Lightowler had donated £17,000 to the Eve McGuire Trust, in Rawdon, Leeds. Eight-year-old Eve, who has a rare genetic syndrome, needs the money for an operation in the US.