WET weather failed to dampen spirits at the 38th Billingham International Folklore Festival.

Despite a torrential downpour, more than 1,000 people filled a marquee in the town's John Whitehead Park to watch the opening concert on Saturday afternoon.

Festival organisers had planned to launch the event with a procession of colourfully-dressed international performers through the streets of the town, but that was cancelled.

Director Joe Maloney said: "The performers would have got drenched and we couldn't put them through that as some of their costumes cost an awful lot of money.

"When I saw the weather I could have just gone away and cried. But I'm pleasantly surprised by the number of people who have come."

The festival, which runs until Saturday, features about 350 dancers and musicians from ten countries - all of whom bed down in the nearby Stockton and Billingham College.

"We turn the classrooms into dormitories and they stay there," said Mr Maloney.

"The whole event takes a massive amount of organisation and is entirely run by volunteers. We've already started on next year's show."

Highlights this year include traditional dancing troupes from Mexico, Chile, Norway, Russia and Taiwan.

Each day this week there are concerts in the festival marquee at 2.30pm and in the Forum Theatre at 7.30pm.

The College Theatre hosts an informal event most nights at 7.30pm when revellers can see the folk performers in a more intimate setting.

For ticket information call (01642) 552663.