AN application for a public entertainment licence at a Bedale pub was withdrawn at only 35 minutes' notice.

The Three Coopers in Emgate had applied for an evening licence covering a disco and karaoke singers.

But when the licensing committee of Hambleton District Council met this week councillors were told the application was being dropped because of police objections.

Six neighbours had also objected, saying there had been problems with loud music in the past from the pub.

Cyril Dyke, head of corporate services at Hambleton, said it was likely that the council would write to The Three Coopers about the lack of notice given to the committee. The question of refunding the £75 fee still had to be decided.

Jonathan Banks, who made the application for the pub, said: ''I was told the police were going to be lodging objections. I gave it a lot of thought and when it came to the day I decided I was not going to go in there and argue with the police and the residents of Emgate. It was never my intention to mess anyone about.''

Police licensing officer PC Kevin Suffield said a previous public entertainment licence granted to the pub in 1996 produced a string of complaints.

When it came up for renewal in 1997 there were nine letters of objection from residents and that application had not been granted.

PC Suffield said the pub had no soundproofing and residents already experienced noise from the Riverside Club at the other end of the street.