FEARS of further flooding on Teesside, following the torrential downpours of recent weeks, have begun to abate.

After severe weather last week with floods caused by swollen rivers, more rainfall was feared. But Redcar fire station officer Bob Crosby said that since last Wednesday they have received no calls to deal with flooding caused by heavy rain. Cleveland Fire Brigade has also reported no major incidents since the drama id last week.

Animal visit: Animals from the Newham Grange Leisure Farm, Coulby Newham, will visit Albert Park, in Middlesbrough, tomorrow. There will also be displays of wood turning by the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers and information from the North York Moors National Park. The event takes place from 1pm to 4pm.

Special afternoon: An afternoon for the over-50s with tea, talk and a quiz is being held at Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Stainsby Road, Whinney Banks, Middlesbrough, from 2pm to 4pm on Monday. Anyone wanting free transport to the event is asked to call (01642) 352766.

MP's SURGERy: Dr Ashok Kumar will hold an advice surgery today, between 2pm and 3pm, at Safeway, in the Parkway Centre, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough.

QUIZ DAYS: Pop fans will be able to test their musical knowledge during their weekly shop at local Asda stores. The supermarket is holding fun days, featuring pop quizzes and karaoke events, on Saturday in its Middlesbrough store and on Saturday, August 24, in its Billingham, Hartlepool and Thornaby stores. Prizes include tickets to a pop concert at the Gateshead store on September 8.

CRAFT FAIR: A craft fair will take place at Saltburn Community Centre on Saturday, August 24, between 10am and 4pm. Admission is free and there will be refreshments and a grand prize draw on behalf of the coronary care unit at the James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough.

Exchange visit: A group of students from Bielefeld, in Germany, visited Red House School, Stockton, last week as part of an exchange visit. The pupils from Helmholtz Gymnasium took part in many activities and trips including a tour of Newcastle, and visits to Durham Cathedral and Whitby. Pupils from the Stockton School will visit Germany in December