THE Northern Regional Water Ski Championships are taking place this weekend with more than 100 competitors hoping to make a big splash.

The event, at the Tees Barrage, Stockton, attracts competitors from across the North, including juniors, but predominantly seniors, who will be competing in slalom skiing and trick skiing.

Spectators will be able to see all of the course from the main viewing area.

The event is free and has been organised by the Teesside Water Ski Club and is supported by Stockton Borough Council and British Waterways.

It will take place between 10am and 4pm on both days, but it is expected that the major action will take place on the Sunday.

The council's sports development team and British Waterways are working in partnership with Sky Television to work on a new project called Sport Nation, and it is expected that Sky will be filming the event on Sunday with a view to broadcasting it later this year.