A FAMILY entertainment centre can be created in an extended former North Yorkshire bus depot alongside a motorised football stadium.

Members of Harrogate Borough Council's Ripon area planning committee voted by six votes to one to approve development at the former United Automobile bus depot at the junction of Park Street and Firby Lane, Ripon.

The man behind the scheme, Bill Lupton, described the development as a "cafe bar with action".

"We are told the buzz in the trade says that there are enough theme parks now," he said.

Already the trend in America was for family entertainment centres on people's doorsteps, not long distances away.

Planning officer Mike Parkes had suggested restricting hours of opening between 10am and 10pm Mondays to Saturdays and 10am until 9pm on Sundays.

But councillors decided the venture could remain open until 11pm Mondays to Saturdays and 10pm on Sundays - in line with pub opening hours.

Ripon City Council, which said the application involved a restaurant and bar, believed it was not acceptable in a residential area next to the city's hospital.