A WASTE recycling programme is about to be launched to ensure that householders across the Ryedale district do their bit to help the environment.

The rolling programme aims to provide a doorstep recycling scheme for every householder in the district by the year 2010.

Residents will be encouraged to separate their waste into a range of categories and the scheme is expected to relieve pressure on landfill sites.

Councillor Brian Cottam said: "The idea for the scheme has come about partly through pressure from the Government for councils to meet certain environmental targets.

"The idea is that residents will be encouraged to separate their waste and this will then be collected from their doorstep."

The council already has to meet certain targets when it comes to recycling and they will be gradually increased each year.

Coun Cottam said: "There is pressure on landfill sites because they all have a finite life cycle.

"They are also producing large levels of methane which is not good for the environment.

"Incinerators are also under pressure and they produce carbon dioxide which isn't good for the environment.

"There is, therefore, a need to look for alternative ways of recycling Ryedale's waste and this new scheme is one of them."

The cost of the programme is expected to be high, but will be offset from money made from recycled materials and Government funding.