A SURPRISED headteacher has accepted a cheque for £11,500 to pay towards his school's information, communication and technology suite.

The headteacher of Bedale Church of England Primary School, David Fishburn, had no idea that he would be presented with the cheque during a school assembly last week.

The money, raised by the school's friends' support group, will benefit the school tremendously.

About £10,000 of the donation will go towards the school's new ICT suite building and hardware. The remainder will cover the cost of new staging blocks in the main hall.

Jo Morley, ICT co-ordinator, said: "The money that the group has raised is wonderful and has allowed us to have a suite with 18 computers. All the children will benefit because we use the computers for all subjects right across the curriculum."

Mr Fishburn is particularly grateful to all the members of the support group, who have been raising funds for the school for more than 20 years.

He said: "They have willingly given so much effort, time and energy for the school and it is very much appreciated."

The group have held a variety of events, including two spring balls, a summer fair, a fashion show and balloon race, in order to raise the cash.

Group chairperson Mandi Coates said: "We help with organisations and events and raise money to benefit the school. It has taken a nearly two years to raise this amount, but its worth every effort because the ICT suite will really enhance the children's education."

The group are holding their annual sponsored bike ride this Sunday, where children and teachers will raise around £500 by cycling 20 miles. Their destination is Brymore ice-cream parlour, where they all stop for a deserved rest and refreshing treat.