HUNDREDS of students joined ankles yesterday, for the biggest three-legged race in the world.

Resembling prisoners in an exercise yard, 200 students shuffled across the lawns of Van Mildert College, in Durham, to set the first world record for the largest three-legged race.

With each of the Durham University students joined to the next by their ankles, the race took quarter of an hour to cover about 20 yards, as students moved their feet in accordance with instructions given over a PA system.

In the middle of the long line was the Mayor of Durham Councillor Eileen Rochford.

She said: "This is my first three-legged race since I was ten-years-old."

The event was organised by undergraduate Heron Holloway.

Each student who took part donated £1 to the Mayor's two appeal charities, the Butterwick Children's Hospice and the Round Table Children's Wish.

More than £300 was raised for the charities.