PEOPLE in Durham are being invited to have their say on city council services next week.

The council's area forums, which were created to encourage to get involved in local affairs, meet next Wednesday and Thursday.

Councillor Jimmy Turnbull, who is responsible for public consultation, said: "Area forums are a powerful way for local people to voice their concerns and suggest new ideas that make sense for their area.

"We've had a tremendous response to the forums we've held so far, with great debates and useful contributions from local people."

Forums will be held next Wednesday at: Deerness Sports Centre, 7pm; Abbey Sports Centre, 7.30pm; Sherburn Sports Centre, 7pm; Coxhoe Sports Centre, 7pm; Mayor's Chamber, Town Hall, 7.30pm.

A forum will be held next Thursday at 7pm in Meadowfield Sports Centre.

For further details about the forums call Martin Dufferwiel on 0191-301 8864.