YOUNG performers are being offered the chance to appear in professional Christmas shows.

Durham's Gala Theatre is looking for children aged between seven and 12 to play the Pirate 'rattlings' in Christmas Cat and the Pudding Pirates this winter.

There will be two teams who will alternate performances, and the youngsters must be able to sing, dance and act.

A further opportunity is being offered for children to play the roles of Tiny Tim and the Cratchit children, as well as the children of townspeople in A Christmas Carol, Gala's other Christmas show. Local adults will be invited to fill minor roles for older people.

Children's auditions will be held in the Gala auditorium on Tuesday, October 29, from 9am-6pm, and youngsters are asked to collect a form from the box office in advance, which must be returned by next Wednesday. The theatre stresses that those who fail to fill it out will not be able to audition.