CONSUMER services officials are launching a crackdown on illegal firework sales.

Durham County Council's consumer services department is targeting firework retailers in a bid to protect children from being injured by the explosives.

Philip Holman, head of the department, said: "Although it's illegal to sell fireworks to anyone under 18, the horrifying statistic is that over 50 per cent of firework-related injuries happen to children under 16.

"We'll be visiting all firework retailers in the county to ensure that they are aware of the strict storage conditions and age restrictions, and that they all have the appropriate information and firework safety leaflets to hand."

Mr Holman said that despite constant warnings, the department still received complaints about illegal sales to children.

He said: "We'll target these shops and attempt test purchases using under-age volunteers."

Anyone who is aware of any retailer selling fireworks to under 18s should call (0191) 383 3589.