MEMORIES of mining days are being evoked in a museum exhibition.

Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund's Awards for All scheme, the Old Fulling Museum of Archaeology, in Durham, has been able to participate in a Celebrating Local History project.

It has invited local history groups to put on exhibitions in its temporary gallery space, which is currently home to the main display Memories of the Durham Coalfield.

Museum spokeswoman Lindy Brewster said: "Memories of the Durham Coalfield is a project by Brandon and Byshottles Parish Archive to promote the mining heritage of County Durham.

"The collection represents a workforce that was second to none. It gives former Durham miners the opportunity to reminisce with both their families and the younger generation, who have never experienced working in a coal mine.

"In tandem with this exhibition, other groups will put on smaller displays."

The exhibition is complemented by a website, which is accessible by a link from the Fulling Mill's site at

It also provided inspiration for a free art workshop at the museum on Saturday.

Artists Barbara Knapper and William Hindmarsh combined with other local artists to create work based on the exhibition.