YOUR comment (Echo, Oct 15) states that it could be assumed that, after Afghanistan, that justice was seen to be done. That was never the case, as the American President stated it would be a long battle and would affect us all.

The Bali bombing was an inevitable result, based on the fact that Indonesia is a cesspit of Muslim extremism and such countries cannot and should not be trusted.

Whether it is fantasy or the right thing to do, regarding picking off sponsors of terrorism, it would seem an issue of whether the terrorist is given succour to his fate, or the courage to fight this evil with zeal and determination.

Many others believe it is about injustice and that the West is only reaping what it sows.

The fact is that Muslim terrorism has more to do with zealot fundamentalism. The same zealots who believe in a Muslim dominance over the non-believer.

They wish to take their culture back a thousand years.

While the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is something that should be addressed, it is not an excuse for an evil called Muslim extremism. - J Young, Crook.


I READ the piece on Bill Gelson (Echo, Oct 14) with interest and applaud his efforts for charity.

However, I felt that the record must be put straight and would point out that, although he may have created the house, a better word would have been built, because the house was designed and created by Del Prado, and supplied in two weekly instalments.

I know this because I have the identical house in my study, where my grand-daughters play with it. Mind you, mine is not in such pristine condition as Mr Gelson's, after having three years of hard hammering by children's butter-fingers. Still, good luck to Mr Gelson. I hope he does well. - AJ Moncur, Richmond.


WHAT is it with Darlington Council? It has sold land at Longfield School for housing, the residents of Cockerton now find it wants to re-site Alderman Leach School on the old chemical works site with the eventual probability of the school's present site being sold off for even more housing.

It is getting increasingly hard to find anywhere to go for a walk at Faverdale. Three farms and beautiful meadowland went to build High Grange. Another 600 houses for West Park along with other amenities and the council now intends to rebuild Alderman Leach on land which for years was used as an asbestos dump.

It doesn't matter that the present and future pupils will have further to travel and that West Auckland Road is already choked with traffic. Alderman Leach School should never have been allowed to fall into the state of disrepair this council claims it is.

It is an oasis in the middle of housing, along with Sugar Hill Park and Cockerton allotments. To re-site it somewhere is madness.

We, who have lived in Cockerton and Faverdale all our lives, know there must be at least 60 years of chemicals seeped into that land.

Certainly, build a new school for the residents of Cockerton and Faverdale but there isn't any need to re-site it. Put a new modern building where the present one is. - M Ward, Darlington.


YOUR comment (Echo, Oct 18) wants an independent review of firefighters' pay yet prejudges the outcome. Impartial and fair? I think not.

Posing firefighters' pay against council care homes is dishonest. Also, the Government would deny that there is any "squeeze on public spending". Indeed, it claims historically high levels of public investment and employment are only possible through its excellent management of the economy.

Is there any commitment from the Government to fund, in full and without delay, the outcome of an independent review? The employers could, without additional Government funding, refuse to pay for any regrading. Limitless millions are instantly available for a war against Iraq.

Yet, who is trained to go in immediately there is a terrorist explosion or chemical attack on these shores? Not the employers, politicians or even newspaper editors. Just a few months ago I visited a New York fire station. Next to the photographs of all the dead heroes was a newspaper cutting about how low paid US firefighters are compared to other professionals. Sound familiar? - Stuart Hill, Darlington.


I WAS horrified at the interview with Edward Duke (Echo, Oct 14). If the threats had been uttered by someone who was anti-hunt they'd have had the police round straight away and their phone tapped.

Nick Morrison's attitude, as expressed in the final paragraph of the article, is nothing but the 21st century equivalent of forelock-tugging. We, the majority in this country who find hunting with dogs barbaric, must all stand up to bullies and braggarts such as Edward Duke. - Patricia Tricker, Bedale.


IN Israel the overall transformation of desert land neglected for some 2,000 years since the Romans evicted Jewish people from their homeland, has been truly remarkable.

However, I couldn't find any trace of Arabian type 'Palestinians' prior to the Jewish return to the land last century. Delving into modern history, the only reference to 'Palestinian' found was when the Jewish people were referred to that name for convenience, for a while.

Surely the type of 'Palestinian' that we hear about from Mr Pender ought have a past history, a past culture, and past language?

I fail to find anything about a Palestinian history/heritage. Not even a water supply prior the Jewish return. - BM Robinson, Darlington.