VILLAGERS are being urged to play their part in protecting the future of their community.

Stokesley is one of four places in the Hambleton area working on a village design statement.

The statements describe the characteristics that make the community unique and should be taken into account when designing new developments. Once complete, the statement will be used by the district council when considering planning applications in the area.

The chairman of the Stokesley village design group, Andy Taylor, said the statement would be an important part of the community's future.

"We have made good progress but we need some more help to complete it," he said.

"We are looking for people who have a keen interest in the future of the village and are prepared to work as part of a team in writing the statement."

"We are also looking for someone with an interest in nature conservation to carry out an assessment of the natural environment of the village and someone who is good at drawing could also help."

Anyone who would like to help is asked to attend an open meeting of the group at Stokesley Town Hall on Monday, November 4, at 7.30pm. Alternatively, contact Mr Taylor on (01642) 711559.