NEW plans to improve the centre of Hawes for pedestrians have been backed by North Yorkshire County Council.

The proposals, some of which now go to the detailed design stage, are the result of a public consultation exercise on traffic management options.

On Monday, the Richmondshire area committee of the council agreed to work with the National Park Authority on a safety scheme which will give increased priority for pedestrians in the westbound section of the town's one-way system. This section will also be designated as a 20mph zone.

Alterations will be made to the road surface to create more priority for pedestrians. In the eastbound section, The Holme, there will be a footway strip to make a continuous route for walkers.

County council group engineer Stewart Hurst said this option attracted 84 per cent support from those who responded, including the parish council and Upper Wensleydale Business and Tourism Association, with only ten per cent against.

Mr Hurst said the council intended to go ahead in this financial year with other short- term measures. The cost could be met from £100,000 in existing budgets.

The proposals included a ramped access from Gayle Lane car park to Penny Garth, a new pedestrian footway to Brandymires, footpath improvements at Birdcage Walk and between Gayle Lane and Turfy Hill, and improved bus stop definition in the Market Place.

It is also planned to install dropped kerbs and tactile paving at pedestrian crossings, to help the disabled and mothers with pushchairs.

The committee agreed that proposed changes in general car parking arrangements, which could take at least three years to deliver, should first be investigated with the various controlling bodies. A study to identify the scale of motorcycle parking problems should take place on a busy Sunday.