THE county's new chief constable ensured that a school's fundraising event went off pat at the weekend.

Della Cannings, the new head of North Yorkshire Police, was the official invigilator at a novel event on Saturday. A total of 3,162 people bought tickets equating to small patches of a field at Rand Grange Farm, in Bedale.

Anica, an 11-year-old Friesian, was let into the field and onlookers had their fingers crossed that she would leave a pat on their patch of land.

A £1,000 cheque was handed to lucky land-owner, Elaine Mortimor.

The event raised about £800 through ticket sales and donations, for Darlington's Rise Carr Primary School.

Deputy headteacher Andrea Peacock came up with the idea of having a cow-pat sweepstake to raise money for the school, on the land which her husband, Melvyn, farms.

She said: "A close watch was kept on Anica and it was pure chance when and where her call of nature would come.

"When she did perform, everything was carefully measured against the grid markings along the edge of the field.

"We asked the new chief constable to invigilate because she wanted to do something in the community and it was a way for her to get known.

"It took 45 minutes before anything happened, but luckily the weather wasn't too bad.

"It was a very successful event."

She said winner Elaine was a parent who did a lot for the school.

The money raised for Rise Carr would go towards IT facilities for the children, she added.