POLICE drafted a plane load of holidaymakers returning from the sun to stage an identification parade with a tanned suspect in a sex attack, a court heard yesterday.

Bronzed Paul Wilkinson, 24, mingled with 160 passengers from the Span Air flight from Tenerife.

A woman, who was taken to Teesside International Airport by detectives, picked him out of 161 passengers as the man who indecently assaulted her five months earlier.

The 15-minute airport video was shown to the jury at Teesside Crown Court when Mr Wilkinson went on trial.

The woman, in her 20s, was jogging near Middlesbrough when she was knocked to the ground, said Christine Egerton, prosecuting. The victim said her attacker groped her and, after a struggle, ran off.

Mr Wilkinson, of Stable Mews, Redcar, denies indecent assault on October 8 last year.

The case continues.