NEIGHBOURHOOD Watch schemes will have a big role to play if Operation Lancelot is to be a success.

Borough co-ordinator Sarah Norman says Neighbourhood Watch is a way of bringing households together, empowering people to work together to reduce crime.

She said: "There are currently more than 400 schemes in Sedgefield borough and the number is rising all the time.

"A large part of being a Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator involves receiving the crime ring updates, our computerised voice messaging system.

"These updates will inform members, wether via telephone, fax or email, of crime issues in their area. The co-ordinator then feeds this information to the other members of their scheme.

"If a crime has taken place in one area of the borough a message can inform all Neighbourhood Watch members of the incident almost instantly and this can prove invaluable.

"A contact number is always included in the message to allow members to feed back information. This has proved very successful."

Whenever a new scheme is established in the borough, Neighbourhood Watch signs are displayed on lampposts and stickers in windows so it is apparent to anyone entering the area.

Anyone interested in setting up a scheme, or would like to know more, can contact the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator at any local police station.