ADMISSIONS to one of the region's hospitals have been halted following another outbreak of the Norwalk Virus.

A total of 14 patients and 12 staff have so far been affected by the stomach bug at Scarborough District Hospital.

One ward was forced to close its doors to new patients until the virus has run its course.

The airborne virus Norwalk - a form of gastroenteritis which causes sickness and diarrhoea - is prevalent in the resort, having affected scores of people at two of the popular hotels and at the hospital this year.

A spokeswoman for the hospital said: "There is an enormous amount of Norwalk going around and, as an airborne virus, it is passed on so easily. Staff have been working very hard to contain the bug to the ward.

"We have to make certain that 48 hours have passed by with patients showing no symptoms of the virus developing before we can assume the virus has run its course.

"It looks as though it will be well into the weekend before admissions can be taken again.

"The bug tends to get into the hospital through visitors who still come here despite feeling unwell.

"People in hospital are more susceptible to these things and so visitors are advised to stay away if they are poorly."