SHOPPERS are spending more than ever at Gateshead's MetroCentre.

Figures out yesterday, from a survey carried out in August show that, year on year, the average spend per visiting group has increased 22 per cent.

It is the biggest increase during a non-peak trading period in the centre's 16-year history.

A spokeswoman for the centre said: "MetroCentre shoppers are remaining in a spending mood. This is despite predictions of a slowdown in the economy and fears of an impending retail recession."

Two surveys are carried out every year to help centre bosses gauge shoppers' spending habits and fill out customer profiles and usage patterns.

The non-peak trading research is carried out each August, with peak trading surveys in December.

Although the centre has enjoyed an increase in spend per visit every year, this is the first year the increase has been as high as 22 per cent, beating last year's increase of 17 per cent.

Actual spend increased from £49.01 to £60.03 per visiting group. The spending per person is £25.01, up 12 per cent on previous surveys.

The survey also reveals that visitors to the centre are becoming more affluent.

The higher social class profile shoppers now account for 60 per cent of all consumers, an increase of five per cent on last year, and above the national average of 53 per cent.

The total number of people visiting the centre has risen by 4.5 per cent, with just under 18m people passing through its doors from January up to the end of September.