ADVICE on how to turn website visitors into customers will be revealed at the first of two workshops in North Yorkshire.

The event, hosted in Northallerton by Business Link York and North Yorkshire, takes place on Tuesday, November 12.

The first workshop, between 8.30am and 10.30am at Solberge Hall, is designed to help Northallerton business owners and managers improve their website marketing.

A second workshop, between noon and 2pm builds on the website theme, examining how to choose the right website developer.

Business Link York and North Yorkshire business services manager Karen Marsden said: "Developing a website can be a difficult process, but can be much easier if you have a good relationship with your supplier. This workshop will highlight some of the do's and don'ts of choosing the right supplier."

Tickets for each workshop cost £15, plus VAT. To order, Contact Business Link York and North Yorkshire's booking hotline on 01904 686000 or book online at Hyperlink