AWARD-winning businesswoman Sally Robinson will share the secrets of her success with North Yorkshire's budding entrepreneurs tomorrow during Yorkshire Forward's Enterprise Show at Thirsk Racecourse.

"Every business starts somewhere - and there's no limit to how far it can go!" is the message offered to anyone who has ever thought about setting up in business.

That message is certainly true for Mrs Robinson's company, Since she turned her idea into reality in 1999, her web site-based mail-order business has attracted orders worldwide from her catalogue of well-fitting bras and lingerie.

Her business, in a converted barn at the family farm at Old Byland, near Helmsley, now employs six and sales have increased by more than 50pc over the past year.

Mrs Robinson will give the initial seminar at the show at 11am, on her experiences of setting up the company.

"Everybody says location, location, location is the key to setting up in business but, as I have proved, you can start a business anywhere," she says. "Customers can view our stock from anywhere in the world, place their order and we send it out."

A range of specialists from the region's business support agencies will be on hand to offer help to anyone thinking of setting up in business. Young and established businesses with plans to grow can also benefit from the objective and practical business know-how on offer.

The show will highlight the fact that bright business ideas can start anywhere yet turn into national brands such as Yorkshire successes Tetley's - established with just £400; Asda - set up by dairy farmers and a couple of butchers, and the Gadgetshop, established by a telephone engineer in Hull.

The free one-day event also includes a series of seminars on topics including successful business marketing, sources of finance, introduction to Business Link, e-commerce and a case study of a local entrepreneur