CARING children at a primary school staged a harvest festival play to raise money for youngsters thousands of miles away.

Pupils at Howden-le-Wear Primary School staged Lord of the Harvest, to celebrate harvest festival and support the Seeds for Africa charity.

Seeds for Africa has established 270 primary school vegetable gardens in many countries in the African sub-continent to provide food and help to educate children.

It aims to create opportunities for children to make healthier food choices and become better fed.

Headteacher Val McCourt said: "This charity isn't just about giving money but teaching skills, giving independence and dignity.

"In assisting the poor with gardening projects we hope to build a legacy that will enrich their lives, not only for this generation but for generations to come."

Each school garden costs between £100 and £200 to set up.

Mrs McCourt said: "We were delighted that the school hall was full for the event.

"It was a really enjoyable day, and we raised £115.60 for the charity through the sale of coffee and biscuits after the performance, and through general donations, which should be enough to set up a garden."