Darlington Mowden Park beat Percy Park 7-5 after one of the quickest tries ever scored at Yiewsley Drive.

Percy Park kicked off straight into the arms of James Parks who ran through the forwards up the touch line to score in less than 30 seconds converted by Daniel Wilson. A stunned Percy Park pulled themselves together and scored in the corner after ten minutes missing the conversion, the game went from end to end with some excellent rugby from both sides, and with great tackling from Chris Iles and Joe Mercer Mowden were able to keep Percy Park at bay but they nearly had the last laugh when awarded a penalty in front of the post.

Thankfully for Mowden they ran it and where tackled but Mowden killed the ball and Percy Park where awarded another penalty with the referee stating that it would be the last play Percy Park ran the ball again but when the ball went loose.

Matty Alton kicked into touch the whistle blew ending what was a tremendous game Mowden. coach Ewan Ranking praising what was a great team performance but with some work still to be done on Mowden's game.

Darlington Mowden Park's Under-16 Girls' Squad travelled to Tynedale's ground at Corbridge to play in a three way tournament and came away unbeaten - the undoubted victors.

Their first match against old rivals Morpeth, resulted in a convincing win of 27-7 to Mowden. Centre Ashleigh Wright opened the scoring for Mowden after 4 minutes with a confident try and went on to score the second try in quick succession. Morpeth came back with an impressive try from Kate Hall who went on to convert it. At this point it seemed that the Mowden Girls' were not going to have it all their own way and the rest of the first half was tightly contested. However in the second half the Mowden side came on fired up and a try by Rosie Mangle that was converted by Abby Blackburn gave them a good lead. Further tries for Mowden from Amber Hyde and Nicola Jackson secured the well-deserved victory.

Mowden's second game was against the hosts, Tynedale Panthers, one of the premier girls' sides in Northumberland. However Mowden was not fazed by their reputation and a plethora of tries gave a final result of 46-0 to Mowden. Natalie Walton, Rosie Mangle and Ashleigh Wright scored two tries each; Amber Hyde, Ally Cull and Abby Blackburn also scored and 3 conversions by Blackburn saw the Mowden Girls ending their day in triumph.

The result of the match between Tynedale and Morpeth was 27-5 to Morpeth.