From this newspaper 100 years ago. - Death of a Thirsk character: On Wednesday afternoon the remains of Christopher Bell (familiarly known in Thirsk and the racing world as "Funny Kit") were consigned to rest in Thirsk Cemetery, in the presence of a large company of personal friends. He (Bell) was certainly one of the most ready-witted men which the old town of Thirsk has produced during the present century - ever sarcastic to friend or foe, but always courteous, he was a welcome guest in every jovial and genial company. His witticisms throughout were always harmless, but ever of a local character, and on the last visit of Wallett (now deceased), the late Queen's jester, Kit Wallett and the writer of this paragraph were in company, when the great jester and premier circus clown paid Kit the compliment of saying he was the most ready-witted and most fertile Yorkshireman - or, indeed, of any other county - he had ever met.

From this newspaper 50 years ago. - By Spectator: Sunday was a lovely day for such a gathering of crowds and such a display of pageantry as the visit of the Princess Royal to Darlington occasioned. St Cuthbert's Church, in the arboreal setting of its churchyard, looked its best in the autumn sunlight. Through the middle of these scenes, of course, flowed the River Skerne. And the Skerne was its usual self - muddy, weedy, a neglected dumping ground for rubbish, and an offence to the eye. This air of neglect, untidiness and decrepitude spreads itself to the river's banks in so many places, and the parking ground near the YMCA centre is one of them. What might be one of the town's most pleasing features was one of its greatest eyesores.

From this newspaper 20 years ago. - Hopes that racing might return to Stockton fell to earth this week when councillors heard of a proposed Disneyland plan for the course. Gloucestershire businessman Mr Lionel Amos has formed a company called Stockton Leisure and has drawn up preliminary plans for multi-million pound development which includes an exhibition centre, cinema, caravan park, a camping site and attractions for horse owners. The centrepiee of the new "wonderland" would be an American-style funfair.