Sixteen-year-old Edwin Jowsey experienced the ups and downs of motorsport on Saturday when racing at Donington

In practice on Saturday morning Edwin was only sixth fastest and therefore gained sixth place on the grid but he wasn't assisted by the fact it rained and Donington is a fast track. Edwin lacks experience of driving fast in wet conditions due to the fact that he hasn't been old enough long enough to have his licence to capture these wet conditions.

Even though Edwin was extremely fast some of the cars in front of him were driven by winners in previous years who are all experienced drivers.

On the afternoon it had dried up for the race which was only 15 laps in length.

He got off to a very quick start and nearly reached the front cars before they had moved off. This was due to the fact Edwin has natural talent and ability while his quick reactions required by racing drivers.

He has improved on this area of his skill over the many months of the season and is now incredibly quick on starting, if he gets everything right, he can be way exactly as the countdown seconds come up and the flag starts the race.

On this occasion he did get it right, however, after the race the Clerk of the course stated that he'd been given ten seconds against his time meaning he was left with third position while they also endorsed his licence and now due to this the sponsors have lodged a complaint with the governing body, MSA/RAC.