A DREAM has come true for Northallerton band stalwart, David Lewis, who has just been presented with a musical gift to treasure.

During a concert at the town hall, he was presented with a trombone that once belonged to a close friend, Bob Raine. The gift marks his 40 years' unbroken service with Northallerton Silver Band.

Mr Lewis said: "I always said I would buy it, but the chance slipped by. It was quite a moment. I was deeply touched. The presentation came as a complete surprise, but a lovely one."

Mr Lewis, who has served the band as musical director, conductor, player and teacher, now takes things easier, helping young members and passing on some of the knowledge he has built up. "There is no sign of retirement for me," he said.

He plans to put the trombone - which is about 100 years old - on a wall at his home. But he said: "I will just have a little go on it. I won't be able to resist having a bash."

The concert, before a packed hall, was in aid of the mayor's charity, Northallerton and District Hospice Homecare and the Silver Band.

The mayoress Hilary Dobson made the presentation, which also included an engraved hip flask for Mr Lewis and a bouquet for his wife, Margaret, in recognition of her support for the band.

The mayor, Coun Jack Dobson, said: "The band is doing really well. The concert at the town hall was a huge success with about 180 people there.

Mr Lewis' achievement is not just excellent, it is unique. He is the longest-serving member since the band was formed.

"His efforts over the years should be applauded. I am honoured to be part of such an august body of men and women."

Coun Dobson added that it was important not to forget young musicians who were coming along. "The band is doing all it can to encourage their involvement and I will help all I can, as will the town council."

Mr Lewis is a retired painter and decorator. The band was founded by his father, "Pop" Lewis, in 1962.

Chairman David Prest said: "David really deserves this, as does Margaret for her tolerance during her husband's many absences at family occasions due to his commitment to the band."

The mayor's charity money goes towards completing the bandstand in Romanby Road, and buying new uniforms and instruments for the youngsters.

*The band performs at the United Reformed church in Northallerton on Tuesday, December 17, and at the town hall for a Christmas singalong on December 23