CAMPAIGNERS fighting to retain a residential home have won their battle to secure a High Court injunction to be served on a local authority.

Relatives of residents at Stoneleigh, Barnard Castle, are celebrating what they believe is a crucial step in their fight to block its proposed demolition by Durham County Council.

Human rights solicitor Alastair Wallace confirmed that a High Court judge had approved an application for an injunction to be served on the county council.

The injunction will mean that any plans or actions to close the residential home will have to halt while the High Court considers the case further before a possible judicial review.

The injunction was applied for on the grounds that the county council had failed to consider the human rights of residents.

Mr Wallace said: "The granting of the injunction is an important victory for the families.

"It effectively means that the authority's planned closure of Stoneleigh will have to stop while the case is considered."

The county council will now have the opportunity to offer evidence to the High Court defending its position in a bid to have the injunction lifted.

A county spokesman said: "Our next step would be to mount our legal defence and to consider our challenge, but at this stage we can't really comment any further."

David Deacon, chairman of the Stoneleigh Relatives' Action Group, said the injunction was an important step in their fight to keep the home open.

He said: "This is good news but we mustn't forget that the main objective is to see it through and make sure Stoneleigh remains open.