A PLAN to restrict Saturday traffic in Guisborough during a speciality market was described as forward-thinking by supporters and a panic-measure by opponents this week.

The idea was debated at three separate meetings, but no final decision was taken.

It was raised by Guisborough Business Association, the Market Town Initiative group and by Redcar and Cleveland Council's executive.

The executive recommended the market go ahead on December 7 but discussions are continuing about closing Westgate from 10am to 3pm.

Coun Keith Pudney supported temporary closure and told the D&S Times: "To be honest, I'm appalled by some attitudes being displayed by objectors. Some people are living in an utter time warp and their opposition is extremely short-sighted. A feasibility study needs to be done, but there are many towns where deliveries to shops and businesses are restricted to early morning and late afternoon.

"This idea is about taking things forward. I live in Guisborough town centre and know what conditions are like. A vibrant town centre is a necessity, and there needs to be some variety in the kind of activities held here. Speciality markets could bring thousands of visitors and long-term benefits to Guisborough. Temporary closure of Westgate would be a small inconvenience."

However, the business association opposed complete closure and called for alternative measures to keep traffic flowing and provide car park spaces for visitors.

Association secretary Alma Thrower said members fully supported the speciality market., which could boost the traditional market which was not as busy as it used to be.

However, road closure was a panic measure following congestion during a recent farmers' market at Pinchinthorpe Hall Hotel.

"The association has plenty of ideas and would like proper traffic management. We've suggested leaving Westgate open for buses and deliveries. Additionally, the sea cadets' car park in Belmangate could be used by visitors, as could the 160-space car park at the new Belmont House council offices. It is a public pay-and-display car park but many motorists are unaware of it. I understand signposts have just been erected there, but it's had no signs since opening.

"Both these car parks are within walking distance of the town centre."

A park-and-ride bus service could be successful, too.

"Temporary closure would mean five hours of inconvenience for all sorts of shops," she added.

Steve Jackson, of the Flower Box, Chaloner Street, expected four articulated trucks on the Saturday:

"We support the speciality market but there's no need to harm 30 businesses for the sake of extra market stalls. I've traded here for 28 years. The market used to be much bigger but there were no problems.

"The council needs to think about the traders in this town. If any measures are needed, they should be considered by a market supervisor, not councillors. I'd gladly supervise it and give my fees to charity."

A Redcar and Cleveland Council spokesman said: "Road closures or modifications are being discussed at departmental level.